Gonubie Holiday Resort - Featured Resort

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Gonubie Holiday Resort - Gonubie, Wild Coast, Eastern Cape
Camp & Live Featured Resort

Situated near a “blue flag” 5-star beach, north of East London, Gonubie Holiday Resort is the ideal getaway for the whole family. It offers 20 spacious self-catering chalets, 85 caravan sites protected by indigenous forest at the mouth of the Gonubie River - a safe and tranquil setting with various entertainment options, from surfboarding to swimming, golf and fishing in a delightful holiday destination. Although the resort is renowned for its excellent 5-star
swimming and surfing beaches, it also offers endless activities for the whole family. This includes river, rock, deep sea fishing, hiking trails and bird watching.

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Gonubie Holiday Resort
+27 43 740 0571
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